Preparing Your Home for a Sale

When buyers are looking for a new home, you want to do everything you can to show them your property’s potential. Helping buyers to picture themselves living in your home not only means you receive better offers, but that you sell more quickly too.

Here we share our top tips to prepare your home for sale.


Buyers can often struggle to see past furniture and personal items, and these things can make rooms feel small. Consider renting some external storage space to house items until you move, but try to strike a balance – remember, people often buy into a lifestyle. Try and show them your home life at its best.

A fresh lick of paint

Creating the right first impression is very important when selling your property. Giving your walls a fresh lick of paint is all it takes to brighten up your room and can make all the difference when it comes to creating the right first impression.

First impressions count

Buyers will often drive past a property to rate its kerb appeal before they express any interest. Tidy up the garden or driveway, clean the windows, and give the front door a spruce with some fresh paint.

Fix, fix, fix

Small outstanding repairs can be easy to ignore when you live with them but when buyers view they can create an unnecessary negative impression. Cast your eye over every room and make a list of quick fixes and address them.